Friday, March 16, 2012
In August 2009 I noticed a lot of changes in my body. I felt like there was a layer of fat covering my stomach, butt and legs that had never been there before. I was working out regularly and doing plenty of cardio so I was not sure why the sudden change. I started researching and asking questions. I was given some pretty crazy advice, but most everything was followed up with the statement that "I was in my 30's and that was to be expected". I had my doctor do blood work (he thought I was crazy and let me know that NOTHING was wrong with me and I was experiencing normal female body changes). My blood work did come back normal and so my doctor was nice enough to let me know that he was right. In my heart, I knew that some factor had changed. I analyzed my diet, my activities, my stress level and continued on with my life frustrated that I could not figure it out. Over the next few months I tried to make the scale budge. I increased my workouts, altered my diet and started tracking my food in a log. I could not lose one pound - even when I was sick for two days and ate nothing but saltines and ginger ale. I KNEW that this was not my body.
I don't remember the exact moment that I realized that I had been using the Nuvaring for a little less than a year. As soon as I realized the timeline, I knew that it was the factor that had changed. Now it sounds crazy to me that I didn't think of it earlier, but to me it was just birth control - a little clear ring I shoved inside of me once a month.
I went to my OBGYN and talked to him. He said he had never heard of what I was describing from the Nuvaring. I asked for my non-hormone options and there weren't many. I chose to have the Paragard put in. This was tough for me since anything implanted in me is not my ideal; however, I absolutely did not want hormones added to my body anymore and this outweighed the dislike of implants.
I had the Paragard procedure in April 2010. Within a week, I lost 5 pounds without changing anything. Over the next few months I saw that layer melt away and my body balance back where it was previously.
I was PISSED! I know that I cannot be the only one. The fact that not one doctor even introduced the idea to me that my birth control could have been causing the changes in my body angered me and now I tell people my story in the hopes that even one person can relate and use the information.
I am thankful that now I feel more in control of my body. The Paragard is not perfect, but I would rather deal with the non-hormone side effects than the hormone side effects.
Friday, March 9, 2012
My girlfriend, who I believe to be a fantastic trainer, is shifting her entire business focus to women's body image. I know that she will be busy for the rest of her life tackling this overwhelming and deeply engrained sickness that all women deal with daily. I do meet women occasionally who say they don't, but I don't believe them.
I believe that I am as happy with my body as I can be. This is not because of my size, weight or shape. I am happy with my body because I treat it well, nourish it well, listen to it, respect it and work it out hard. There are days I get up and feel fat and days I get up and feel great. Sadly, no matter what I feel, I still hear my inner voice "boobs too small, thighs too thick, nose too big..." - the reel that I have played and added to since I was a teenager plays over and over in my head daily. Almost constantly it plays a loop of craziness that comes from being bombarded by photo's, articles and movies that depict one specific body type and then self appoint that body type as "the ideal". I know it's crazy and yet I cannot get rid of it. I have educated it, pleaded with it and focused on saying positive affirmations in the mirror. That voice is as much a part of me as my bones and my organs. This makes me angry because I was not born with that voice. I did not have that voice in my head when I was little, but now I know that I will live the rest of my days with that voice. I want to be part of making a difference for the next generation. I want little girls to grow up without the voice.
I am writing this blog to encourage you to be part of a new voice. Join the people that are focusing on changing it. My friend's Facebook page is Angie Gooding - Body Image Specialist. Whether you chose to join her or join someone else - I hope that you do something. The voice takes up too much time and energy. Imagine what an entire generation without "the voice" could focus on. Show your support to people trying to make a meaningful impact. It is without a doubt time to unite and express what we will tolerate as our public opinion.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Again yesterday we had someone who has been trying to get in shape for over a year express frustration that they were not seeing the effects they wanted in their body. It only took Jake a few questions to determine that he was not eating the proper foods to fuel his body for his desired results.
There is A LOT of information on food and nutrition available to you at any given moment. There are very few absolute truths when it comes to nutrition though. The best thing you can do is find a professional, be honest with them and then LISTEN to their advice. The best people will tell you that it is a journey and that it changes depending on your lifestyle and your goals. You have to listen to your body, be willing to go against some of what you have been taught and challenge yourself to change your habits.
A few truths:
- Eat breakfast! It turns on your system and wakes up your metabolism. Oatmeal with blueberries and eggs (more whites than yolks) is a great breakfast choice.
- Eat small, balanced meals every 2-3 hours. To keep your metabolism going you need to eat regularly throughout the day.
- Fruits and veggies are good for you. They fill you up, give you energy, keep you regular and provide nutrients and minerals that your body needs.
- Drink water. If you are not peeing enough that you find it annoying, then you are probably not drinking enough water.
- Don't eat or drink fake food. The biggest favor you can do for your body is to give it real food. Read the labels. Do not put anything that contains the word "modified" into your body. Look for whole ingredients and short ingredient lists. If you don't know what something is, then look it up. Think about if what you are buying could be found at a farmers market - if not, don't buy it.
- Working out and lifting weights has specific nutritional needs that may be different from your standard healthy diet. If you are working towards a goal at the gym, do yourself a favor and make sure you get professional advice on proper nutrition.
- Allergies to food are more common now due to changes in the way food is grown and manufactured. Educate yourself on what you are eating so you can identify the many ways that an allergic reaction can adversely effect your body. For example, corn is now grown with a pesticide inside of it. Therefore corn and all bi-products of corn (e.g. corn syrup) can cause negative reactions in the body. For a great educational video on changes to the food chain you can go to this link.
I have learned that everything I was taught was either incorrect or only partially true. The difference that proper nutrition can make in your life will impact everything you do. Take the time to learn how to properly nourish yourself.
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