Friday, March 9, 2012


My girlfriend, who I believe to be a fantastic trainer, is shifting her entire business focus to women's body image.  I know that she will be busy for the rest of her life tackling this overwhelming and deeply engrained sickness that all women deal with daily.  I do meet women occasionally who say they don't, but I don't believe them. 

I believe that I am as happy with my body as I can be.  This is not because of my size, weight or shape.  I am happy with my body because I treat it well, nourish it well, listen to it, respect it and work it out hard.  There are days I get up and feel fat and days I get up and feel great.  Sadly, no matter what I feel, I still hear my inner voice "boobs too small, thighs too thick, nose too big..." - the reel that I have played and added to since I was a teenager plays over and over in my head daily.  Almost constantly it plays a loop of craziness that comes from being bombarded by photo's, articles and movies that depict one specific body type and then self appoint that body type as "the ideal".  I know it's crazy and yet I cannot get rid of it.  I have educated it, pleaded with it and focused on saying positive affirmations in the mirror.  That voice is as much a part of me as my bones and my organs.  This makes me angry because I was not born with that voice.  I did not have that voice in my head when I was little, but now I know that I will live the rest of my days with that voice.  I want to be part of making a difference for the next generation.  I want little girls to grow up without the voice. 

I am writing this blog to encourage you to be part of a new voice.  Join the people that are focusing on changing it.  My friend's Facebook page is Angie Gooding - Body Image Specialist.  Whether you chose to join her or join someone else - I hope that you do something.  The voice takes up too much time and energy.  Imagine what an entire generation without "the voice" could focus on.   Show your support to people trying to make a meaningful impact.  It is without a doubt time to unite and express what we will tolerate as our public opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Lisa! I appreciate your efforts in helping women find appreciation for both their bodies and minds. None of our bodies are perfect; we need to accept our shapes as they are, and work for health instead of working so endlessly for aesthetic appeal.
    --Angie :)
