I know this is true for all of us. You get started on a plan to get
healthy. You may even reach your goal, then something happens and you
slide back the other way. One day, then a week and then a year. You
have to start over. It sucks! I know that I beat myself up about not
just maintaining what I had. If only? What if? Why not? I have
thought a lot about this and for me, this is my painful truth. I didn’t
love myself enough to make me a priority. I always let something else
steer me away from my best path. I followed a love, gave up a work out
to do what someone else wanted, cleaned the house instead of going to
the gym. A million little tiny choices where I did not choose me over
someone else - I should have chosen ME. Sounds selfish right? It’s
not! What I have learned is that to give my best in any relationship I
have to love myself and believe with all my heart that I am honoring the
deepest parts of my soul everyday. If I don’t, then I lose focus, fall
off track and every relationship in my world is negatively impacted.
LOVE YOURSELF enough to do what is best for you. That means
sometimes you say no you cannot do something that someone else wants you
to do. This may temporarily bring disappointment to your spouse,
friends, kids and random people biding for your time. It does not
matter. You have to look at the long term. Your relationships with all
those who love you will improve if you love yourself enough to honor
your deepest hopes and dreams. Your spouse will benefit everyday and
night from you feeling confident, proud and accomplished. Your children
will benefit from your increase in energy and patience. They will also
see that you are modeling that YOU ARE IMPORTANT. What an amazing
example you will be setting for them. They will understand that it is
okay to follow what is inside of them, give themselves what they need in
life so that they can be their best in all relationships.
Today chose you. If you chose you first, the rest of it will get
better. Tell the world you love yourself enough to do what makes you
feel your best. The world will respect you everyday for your choices
and so will the people that love you. If anyone harasses you about it -
kick them off your life bus, they don’t belong there.
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